Blog 2017-09-20T14:49:02+01:00

When To Congratulate Yourself

July 30th, 2020|Comments Off on When To Congratulate Yourself

When To Congratulate Yourself Towards the end of the recent podcast interview with Mark Bristow, he used a line which has really stuck with me. He commented [...]

The Award I Did Not Get

February 11th, 2020|Comments Off on The Award I Did Not Get

In this post Chris talks about his feelings surrounding an award he was nominated for but did not win. The impact it had on his wellbeing and what he did next.

  • financial wellbeing, financial happiness, financial advisers, coaching

How Can A Financial Adviser Help You Be Happy?

December 8th, 2019|Comments Off on How Can A Financial Adviser Help You Be Happy?

How Can A Financial Adviser Help You Be Happy? One truth that comes from the study of financial wellbeing is that we don’t generally know what makes [...]

The Financial Wellbeing Equation

May 24th, 2019|Comments Off on The Financial Wellbeing Equation

Back in 2015, I invented the expression ‘financial wellbeing’. Trouble was, when I googled the expression, I discovered two other people had invented it before me!* Since [...]

The Financial Wellbeing Of Kurt Cobain

October 10th, 2018|Comments Off on The Financial Wellbeing Of Kurt Cobain

When Kurt Cobain was growing up in the Pacific Northwest, he lived on the edges of society. He was a grungy independent music kid, and his currency [...]

  • Retirement, Sense of Purpose

Being Pulled Not Pushed – Retiring With A Sense Of Purpose

March 5th, 2018|Comments Off on Being Pulled Not Pushed – Retiring With A Sense Of Purpose

One of the biggest moments of change in our lives is surely when we move from working to not working. What does retirement mean and how can it have a sense of purpose. This Financial Wellbeing post takes a look at preparing for a meaningful retirement.

  • Ovation Finance sponsorship of GCC

Are You A Walker?

November 9th, 2017|Comments Off on Are You A Walker?

We don't always know how we are going to react to a situation until we face it. So how do we predict our future behaviour when creating a financial plan? In this blog post Chris talks cricket and how we can make better decisions when it comes to money.

  • Challenging Self-Limitieng Beliefs, Beliefs are not truths

Beliefs Are Not Truths: Challenging Self-Limiting Beliefs

October 17th, 2017|Comments Off on Beliefs Are Not Truths: Challenging Self-Limiting Beliefs

How do we tackle self-limiting beliefs? We form beliefs from a cycle that is happening all the time. An experience leads to reflection, which results in a conclusion, which leads to us behaving in a certain way. How can we challenge this to create more financial options in life

  • Does more money bring more happiness?

The Wealth Saturation Point

September 4th, 2017|Comments Off on The Wealth Saturation Point

In this blog post Chris explores when it comes to money, what is your answer to the question "how much is enough"?

  • happy experiences, informed choices, financial wellbeing,

Mindfulness & Wellbeing

July 31st, 2017|Comments Off on Mindfulness & Wellbeing

Working out what we want from life might be the biggest challenge in the financial wellbeing process. How do we identify and learn what makes us happy?

  • Growth with purpose, financial wellbeing

The Growth In Happiness

July 7th, 2017|Comments Off on The Growth In Happiness

The assumption that growth is a necessity sits at the heart of our society. But is growth always the best target?

Lost in the tunnels

January 23rd, 2017|Comments Off on Lost in the tunnels

Outside of work, I write and perform spoken word poetry. This hobby sees me attending several events each week, either to perform or to watch others perform. The worlds of finance and poetry are not noted for their overlap, and this happy fact allows me healthy time away from both during the long mental traverse from one world to the next. Recently, however, I was visited by a rare moment of confluence. Allow me to explain.

Penny Brohn Proceeds

December 19th, 2016|Comments Off on Penny Brohn Proceeds

How lovely it was to receive this in today's post. As you may know, we decided to donate all of the proceeds from The Financial Wellbeing Book to local Cancer charity and Wellbeing specialists Penny Brohn UK.

Bigger Picture For Financial Planning: Jeff Prestridge On The Financial Wellbeing Book

July 11th, 2016|1 Comment

This article was written by Jeff Prestridge, the Personal Finance Editor of The Mail On Sunday. It was originally published on The Financial Times Adviser website here, entitled 'Bigger picture for financial planning'. Sometimes, consumer personal finance journalism lets the public down. Not always (as I hear some of you say), just occasionally. Mea culpa and all that.

Finding FinWell: Submissions Welcome!

July 8th, 2016|Comments Off on Finding FinWell: Submissions Welcome!

Since its publication in June 2016, The Financial Wellbeing Book has travelled far and wide! Naturally we'd like this book to reach as many people as possible; increasing public wellbeing whilst also increasing our contribution to Penny Brohn UK. Need a light read whilst travelling? Why not bring The Financial Wellbeing Book with you to help you keep an eye on that holiday expenditure! If you spot the book out and about, or have taken a photo of the book on your holiday, please submit them to us via Twitter @finwellbeing, or via email at contact@financialwell-being.co.uk.

Workplace Worries: How Employee’s Personal Finances Affect Their Performance

June 23rd, 2016|Comments Off on Workplace Worries: How Employee’s Personal Finances Affect Their Performance

We have a great opportunity to get financial wellbeing right. At Neyber, we have carried out a survey of over 10,000 UK employees which puts the financial wellbeing of the UK’s workforce under the microscope. The wide-ranging report – “The DNA of Financial Wellbeing” has examined, for the first time, what the financial impact is on organisations whose employees are worried about their own personal finances.

Gallery: The Financial Wellbeing Book Launch

May 16th, 2016|2 Comments

On Tuesday, 3rd May 2016 we held The Financial Wellbeing Book Launch on the beautiful grounds of the Penny Brohn Cancer Care Centre. With all the proceeds of the book going to this wonderful organisation, we thought it fit to hold the launch there. Come and have a look through local photographer Paul Groom's shots from the day.

Wellbeing In The Workplace

April 27th, 2016|Comments Off on Wellbeing In The Workplace

Wellbeing comes from having what you want. This can be a problem. How do you know what it is that you want? Whether those ambitions and dreams are achievable?

Engage A Financial Planner Or Do It Yourself?

April 25th, 2016|Comments Off on Engage A Financial Planner Or Do It Yourself?

The penultimate chapter in The Financial Wellbeing Book is called Taking Advice Or Do It Yourself? Now, you might think that, having been a financial planner for [...]

  • Illustration of a cloud and a ladder

What Is Success?

April 8th, 2016|1 Comment

How can we tell when we have achieved success? What is success? What will it look like for you? You work hard, you work smart, you compete and you innovate. At what point in time do you sit back, relax, and think “I’ve made it”?

Challenging Some Standard Ideas About Money

March 1st, 2016|1 Comment

There are a few ideas to do with money that are accepted as standard wisdom, that are taken as read and not challenged. Until now... Why Are [...]

Financial Wellbeing and Penny Brohn

January 31st, 2016|Comments Off on Financial Wellbeing and Penny Brohn

This is a blog about wellbeing. One of the biggest enemies of wellbeing is stress. And one of the biggest causes of stress is money. Which is [...]

Does Your Money Bring You Wellbeing?

January 24th, 2016|Comments Off on Does Your Money Bring You Wellbeing?

For Ovation, 2016 will be the year of ‘Financial Wellbeing’. How to create a financial plan to make us happier, not just wealthier. I have written a [...]


There are lots of resources available online to get more information and ideas about money.

 If you think you would like to engage a financial planner, please visit the contact page



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