Episode 111 – Living the Long Life: Blue Zones and Financial Wellbeing

Diving into the intriguing secrets of life longevity in global Blue Zones - regions identified by National Geographic journalist Dan Buettner where people have extended lifespans. We'll discuss the lifestyles and habits that contribute to their extended lifespans and how these insights can enhance our relationship with money for financial wellbeing. Curious about global longevity hotspots or seeking financial wisdom, this episode will inspire positive change!

By | 2024-07-26T10:04:32+01:00 July 26th, 2024|Podcast, Uncategorised|Comments Off on Episode 111 – Living the Long Life: Blue Zones and Financial Wellbeing

When To Congratulate Yourself

When To Congratulate Yourself Towards the end of the recent podcast interview with Mark Bristow, he used a line which has really stuck with me. He commented that if we spoke to other people the way we spoke to ourselves, we wouldn’t have too many friends. This was again brought home to me when I [...]

By | 2020-07-30T10:05:25+01:00 July 30th, 2020|Uncategorised, Wellbeing|Comments Off on When To Congratulate Yourself

Episode 53 – The Financial Wellbeing Conference 2019

Episode 53 - The Financial Wellbeing Conference 2019 We have a bumper hour long episode for you from the Financial Wellbeing Conference. Chris, David and Producer Tommo, along with special guests, delivered a great message to fellow financial planners under the iconic wings of Concorde. The event was a fantastic way to share with others [...]

By | 2019-08-16T13:02:38+01:00 August 18th, 2019|Podcast, Uncategorised|Comments Off on Episode 53 – The Financial Wellbeing Conference 2019

The Financial Wellbeing Equation

Back in 2015, I invented the expression ‘financial wellbeing’. Trouble was, when I googled the expression, I discovered two other people had invented it before me!* Since writing The Financial Wellbeing Book and producing some 50 podcasts on the subject, financial wellbeing is everywhere. More books have appeared on the subject, and wellbeing the workplace [...]

By | 2020-02-13T08:26:38+01:00 May 24th, 2019|Uncategorised|Comments Off on The Financial Wellbeing Equation

Episode 43 – Financial Wellbeing for Talk Money Week

Episode 43 - Financial Wellbeing for Talk Money Week We're here this Talk Money Week to get more people talking about money and help improve money management. Chris, David & Producer Tommo take a close look at the five areas that create Financial Wellbeing. With great tips and links to previous episodes, this podcast focuses [...]

By | 2018-11-26T14:40:25+01:00 November 18th, 2018|Podcast, Uncategorised|Comments Off on Episode 43 – Financial Wellbeing for Talk Money Week

Finding FinWell: Submissions Welcome!

Since its publication in June 2016, The Financial Wellbeing Book has travelled far and wide! Naturally we'd like this book to reach as many people as possible; increasing public wellbeing whilst also increasing our contribution to Penny Brohn UK. Need a light read whilst travelling? Why not bring The Financial Wellbeing Book with you to help you keep an eye on that holiday expenditure! If you spot the book out and about, or have taken a photo of the book on your holiday, please submit them to us via Twitter @finwellbeing, or via email at contact@financialwell-being.co.uk.

By | 2016-07-11T10:02:38+01:00 July 8th, 2016|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Finding FinWell: Submissions Welcome!