Episode 110 – The Financial Wellbeing Pulse with Chris Budd

Taking a slightly difference approach in this episode, we sit down with Chris Budd to delve into the exciting launch of The Financial Wellbeing Pulse, a groundbreaking tool designed to help individuals measure their relationship with money. Chris shares insights into how the tool was developed, its key features, and the impact it can have on improving financial wellbeing. Whether you're looking to gain better control over your finances or simply curious about innovative financial tools, tune in to discover how The Financial Wellbeing Pulse can make a difference in your life.

By | 2024-06-28T13:34:30+01:00 June 28th, 2024|Podcast|Comments Off on Episode 110 – The Financial Wellbeing Pulse with Chris Budd

Episode 108 – Mind the Perception Gap

The team explore the impact of perception on our finances and wellbeing. From understanding how perceptions shape decisions and how to challenge flawed realties connected to money. As ever some great money saving tips from #tightasstommo and a through provoking exploration that might just reshape your financial perspective.

By | 2024-04-30T10:30:19+01:00 April 30th, 2024|Podcast|Comments Off on Episode 108 – Mind the Perception Gap

Episode 105 – Stress on our Finances with Sonya Lutter

Episode 105 - Stress on our Finances with Sonya Lutter In this episode, we sit down with Financial Psychology expert Dr Sonya Lutter. Delving into the root causes of our financial decision-making, from the impact of societal expectations on our spending to the role of inner conflict and psychological stress on our financial choices. With [...]

By | 2024-01-25T09:40:05+01:00 January 25th, 2024|Podcast|Comments Off on Episode 105 – Stress on our Finances with Sonya Lutter

Episode 103 – Money Stories with Sarah Newcombe

Chris and Producer Tommo are joined by Editor Tammy whilst David is away for just this one episode. They bring an insightful interview with psychologist Sarah Newcombe discussing money stories and the essential questions you need to ask to change the narrative. Join us for a transformative journey along with the usual #tightasstommotips.

By | 2023-11-30T09:46:24+01:00 November 30th, 2023|Podcast|Comments Off on Episode 103 – Money Stories with Sarah Newcombe

Episode 60 – Interview with The Financial Healer, Mark Bristow

Episode 60 - Interview with The Financial Healer, Mark Bristow How damaging can our relationship with money be? Chris, David and Producer Tommo have a chat with Mark Bristow, The Financial Healer, about how we can uncover and challenge our self-limiting beliefs. From great #tightasstommotips to David's excessive use of Bristol Rovers player names this [...]

By | 2020-03-23T13:04:32+01:00 March 23rd, 2020|Podcast|Comments Off on Episode 60 – Interview with The Financial Healer, Mark Bristow