Episode 108 – Mind the Perception Gap

The team explore the impact of perception on our finances and wellbeing. From understanding how perceptions shape decisions and how to challenge flawed realties connected to money. As ever some great money saving tips from #tightasstommo and a through provoking exploration that might just reshape your financial perspective.

Welcomes & Introductions

What’s on Todays Podcast?

The topic of perception and how it relates to our financial wellbeing

Tight Ass Tommo

Chris’ Mum, Meany Maureen using Mental Accounting to squirrel away jam jars of money for various reasons and how you can do the same digitally.

Practical tip from Colin Lowe – use easysim.global for cheap mobile data when travelling

Do you have a #tightasstommo money saving tip you would like to share with our listeners? If so, let us know by going to Twitter @Finwellbeing or email – contact@financialwell-being.co.uk

Mind the Perception Gap

Producer Tammy came across the following and felt it needed a closer look:

Truth and perception become fused in the mind leaving no difference between the two

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

What does perception mean?

What we think of as reality may not be correct, our perceptions can be flawed.

How might they be flawed?

  • Relying on only one source of information
  • Relying on previous experiences and making assumptions
  • Focus of our attention – inattentional blindness

The perception gap is not always a bad thing

Link to Episode 104 – Crack the Happiness Code with Set Point Theory

How our perception gap with finances can be changed

How a financial planner can help challenge our assumptions

Link to Episode 107 – Making Decisions with Nick Elston

Behavioural Biases and our perceptions

Conclusions from the Guys

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